Saturday, July 21, 2007

another web editor and video editor

Well, two of the last things I need to get settled on my ubuntu desktop are webpage editing and video editing. I'm still searching for a webpage editor which can script rollover images like Dreamweaver can. I installed Bluefish, which was recommended in this thread, by using the command sudo apt-get install bluefish (make sure you have the multiverse and universe repositories enabled). And I also installed a program called Kompozer, which is supposed to be a better version of nvu, which is supposed to be a great alternative to Dreamweaver according to this thread. To install it I downloaded a .deb file from this page which was recommended by this thread.

As far as video editing, I've been playing with Kino and PiTiVi Video Editor, with mixed feelings, so I installed JahShaka, using the file they gave me on the Jahshaka download page for Ubuntu Dapper (even though I have feisty) and then used this thread to install it.

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