Saturday, August 16, 2008

Installing KDE 4.0 in Kubuntu and Ubuntu

yeah, I actually did this a month or so ago. I started on my laptop with Ubuntu Fiesty 7.10 and then reinstalled everything to get Gutsy Gibbon 8.04. To get KDE 4.0 I first installed the Kubuntu Desktop using this command in terminal:

sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

then, after booting into Kubuntu and trying it for a few weeks, I installed KDE 4.0 (or Kubuntu's version of that) by using the Adept Manager (Kubuntu's version of Gnome's (ubuntu's) Synaptic Package Manager) and doing a search for kde4.

First, though, you have to add this line to your sources list:

deb hardy main

(don't forget to reload your sources afterwards!)

I actually installed several packages which came up, but all you need is one, which you can install through the terminal with this command:

sudo apt-get install kde4-core

1 comment:

cyberdude said...

Just a rectification: the name of ubuntu version 8.04 LTS is Hardy Heron.Gutsy Gibbon is the name of version 7.10 :-)