Saturday, June 9, 2007

Xubuntu! DVD sound! Yay...then not so 'yay'...

Well, I decided to try out Xubuntu. I used the "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" command to get it and install it. No problems there. Then I tried it out. I had heard that it is supposed to use less CPU power - and man it flew! And Beryl worked on it as well! Whoa! Loved it. Highly recommend Xubuntu!

Aaaaannnnnddddd...I was playing with the audio controls in Xubuntu and found where a video volume was turned all the way down. So I thought to myself, 'Self, this might be why you have no audio with your DVDs.' And I was right! I tried my handy Star Wars Episode III after adjusting the volume and I had sound! And then moving the DVD screen aroudn with Beryl was just awesome.... So cool....

So the world was great...and I had to play with more settings...

now Xubuntu has no panels (so therefore no real controls), Beryl isn't working...and life is sad. You can read exactly what I did in this thread where where I'm begging for help.

Kubuntu works I may use it to try and uninstall Xubuntu...I'm praying that works. If not, I may be reinstalling ubuntu (and Xubuntu!) all over again...

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