Monday, May 28, 2007

Ubuntu Fiesty Installed

Alrighty folks, I've decided to record my adventures in linux here. I'm starting with Ubuntu - which I've actually installed once before (I think it was Hoary Hedgehog version...), but I didn't have time to get it right.

Well, I'm back! And I just finished installing the OS (took a total of around 45 minutes - it maybe could have been less, but I was still napping some...hey, I'm on vacation today!!!).

And for an assistant I have my 7 week old son....who is presently napping in my lap. Yeah, he looks so cute when he's sleeping - but he's got a healthy set of lungs, let me tell you!

Let's see, where in the process...ah yes, I am about to get firefox set up the way I want to (I'm using Foxmarks to synchronize my bookmarks, and I've got a list of my favorite add-ons to, um....add on). Then I'm going to transfer a few files over, figure out how to get mp3s and DVDs going. Finally, today, I'm going to see about getting beryl installed. Not sure how that last one will go, but I'm diving in! Hey, if anyone has any pointers, feel free to let me know!

oh, and a few specs on my system:
Celeron 2.0 ghz processor
512 mb RAM
160 Gb hard-drive (for my old Windows XP)
120 Gb hard-drive (where I'm running Ubuntu)
CD/RW drive
DVD burner
I've also got a little oder nVidia video card (with 128 mb of RAM)
as well as a decently old SoundBlaster card.

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