Saturday, September 27, 2008

Great file synchronization program and a gmail checker

I read about Dropbox, a (free!) file synchronization program which works in Windows, OSX (apple macs), and Linux. I installed in on my Ubuntu based laptop and it runs perfectly in Gnome. KDE4 seems to not run it automatically, though. But I haven't really tried to get it to work there yet. Unfortunately when I tried to install it on my wife's computer it only seemed to run for the Administrator, so under my login I couldn't access the files in it - not cool! But you can still access the synch files via the dropbox website, so that'll work until the Vista version gets all the bugs worked out. Overall, I like it a lot. The only negative, so far, is that it only has 2gb of online storage available.

And in other news I read in the latest edition (no. 17) of Full Circle about a email checking program for gnome, called checkgmail. You can grab it out of the repos with this command:

sudo apt-get install checkgmail

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