Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Reveal effect in compiz fusion

okay, one effect on a mac that I love is the "Reveal" effect. Where it scales all the open windows down onto one screen so you can see them and choose whichever one you want to switch to.

If you're running CompizFusion (say, on Ubuntu), open the CompizConfig Settings Manager (right-click on desktop, go to "Appearances" tab and select the "preferences" button next to the "Custom" option). Then go to the "Window Management" section and click on the "Scale" option (it should already be checked - if not, do so), then go to the "actions" tab and choose your action to activate it (I like to use the upper right corner to show all the open windows).

this is one of my most favorite effects, and probably the most practical one I use (wobbly windows being the most unpractical but most visually pleasing!).

(this info much thanks to this thread)

1 comment:

xinaesthete said...

Hello, I just noticed that the link you posted has "http://http://" at the beginning... you might want to fix that.